Personality Type and Learning Style as Correlates of Academic Achievement: the Case of High School and Preparatory School Students in Wayutuka Woreda
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Addis Ababa University
Because adolescence typically is a time of preparation for adult roles, considerable attention has
been paid to the development and expression of achievement during adolescence. Different
research out comes indicate that personality types and learning styles play role in determining
students’ achievement. Therefore, the present study was aimed at the investigation of the effects
of some personality types and learning styles on high school and preparatory school students’
academic achievement. More specifically the major concern of this study was to examine the
relationship between personality types and academic success; Learning styles and personality
types and Learning styles and classes. Moreover, it also tries to identify whether there is the
most preferred learning style at among high school students and whether there is significant
difference among learning styles on the basis of academic achievement.
For the study 330 high school and preparatory school students were randomly selected from
Wayutuka woreda. Data on personality types and learning styles were obtained from personality
types and learning style questionnaires administered to the participants. Data concerning
academic achievement of the students was obtained from the high schools record office. Data
were analyzed using statistical tools like Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, one
way ANOVA & percentage. The result of the statistical analysis displayed significant
relationship between personality type and achievement, significant relationship between
introvert personality type and reflective learning preference and significant relationship. The
result obtained using percentage to differentiate the most preferable learning style at high school
level showed reflective learning style as the most preferred while activist was the least preferred.
One way ANOVA was computed to see whether there is significant difference on the students’
academic achievement due to learning styles and the result revealed that reflective learning style
was the best preferred. It was concluded that personality type and learning style along with
factors like intelligence and achievement motivation can determine achievement at high school
level. Finally it was suggested that teachers should have an awareness of individual difference in
learning and appreciate this diversity and treat students accordingly for instance by encouraging
introvert students actively participate in learning activities to make them complete whole person
Wayutuka woreda