The Effect of Divorce on Adolescents’ Self-Esteem: the Case of Adolescents at Federal first Instance Court
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of the study was to investigate whether there was a difference in self-esteem of
adolescents who come from divorced parents and those from intact families. A total of 200
adolescents (100 from intact family and 100 from divorced family) participated in the present
study. The study sites were federal first instance court and Atlas primary and secondary school.
Systematic random sampling technique was applied to select adolescents from intact families at
Atlas primary and secondary school. Adolescents from divorced families were drawn based on
the availability sampling technique. Questionnaires were used to collect the data. Data was
analyzed employing descriptive statistics, correlation and t-test. The findings show that there is a
significant difference in self-esteem between adolescents from divorced and intact families. The
results also revealed that there is no significant difference in self esteem among female and male
adolescents from divorced families. In addition, the finding revealed that there is a statistically
significant positive relationship between age of adolescents that come from divorced families
and their self- esteem. The study suggested that Orientation and training should be given to
parents/guardians of adolescents from divorced families on how to treat their children with
warmth and affection to facilitate the conditions which are essential to foster their children’s
Federal Instance Court