Smallholder Farmers Adoption of Climate Smart Livestock Production System: Practices, Status and Determinants in Hidebu Abote Woreda, North Shewa Zone, Central Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


Livestock production plays an important role in Ethiopian economy. However, climate change presents a range of challenges for animal in the country. The adoption of climate smart livestock production practices is considered to be an innovative solution to the challenges. This study is aimed to identify the status of adoption and analyze the determining factors and challenges in adopting Climate Smart livestock production practices in Hidabu Abote Woreda, Centeral Ethiopia. Three-staged sampling techniques were used to select the targeted area and sample household respondents. A total of 233 sampled households were selected using simple random sampling method and household survey was conduct with pretested structured questionnaire. Key Informant Interviews and Focus Group Discussions were also conducted to complement the study. Various descriptive and inferential statistic techniques were applied to analyze the collected survey data. Ordered logistic regression model was also used to analyze the determinant factors which affect the adoption status of the sampled household. Descriptive result shows that commonly adopted practices are composting (85.41%) and manure management (70.39%) while the least adopted technologies were bio-gas generation (3.86%) and rotational grazing (22.32%).The adoption status of the sampled household were also categorized into low (19.74%), medium (67.81%) and high adopter (12.45%).High cost of improved breed, use of manure for fuel, free grazing and lack of information and awareness are the major constraints to adopt technology. The result of ordered logistic regression revealed that education, grazing land, total livestock holding and extension contact contributed significantly and positively to adoption status, while distance from water source had a significant and negative effect adoption status of climate smart livestock production practices. From the result, it is possible to conclude that livestock farmers having more grazing land, higher educational level, more livestock holding and good extension contact are more likely to adopt climate smart livestock production practice whose water source are far from their home are less likely to adopt climate smart livestock production practices in the study area. The policy measures derived from the results include: livestock raring should get more attention, increasing the frequency of extension contact, improving grazing land practices, expanding education, and providing sufficient water supply for the farmers to improve the adoption status of climate smart livestock production practices.



Adoption, Climate Smart, Constraints, Hidabu Abote, Livestock, Ordered Logit
