Assessment of Organizational Communication Practice: The Case of Ethio-Telecom Communication Division.

dc.contributor.advisorDr. Samson Mekonnen
dc.contributor.authorSelam Mulugeta
dc.description.abstractThe present study aimed to assess the practice of organizational communication (OC) at Ethio-Telecom Communication Division. A qualitative research approach was employed with the use of a case study research design. Purposive sampling was used to select ten communication employees of the corporation whose jobs are directly related to the profession. Communication tools or materials produced and disseminated online by the corporation's communication and public relations department were also taken as the main source of data for the study. The instruments of data collection were in-depth interviews, document analysis, and non-participant observation. The data were presented and analyzed using a method of content and thematic analysis. The main findings of the study indicated that Ethio-Telecom used organizational communication directions which include directing actions, coordination and linking, relationships, explaining organizational cultures, inter-organizational linking, presenting an organizational image, and generating and promoting ideas and values. Ethio-Telecom used technology in an encouragingly effective way due to its move towards utilizing CMCs for organizational communication practice. The organizational communication instruments used by Ethio-Telecom were advertising, email, website, banner, poster, Broachers, outdoor ads, social media (Facebook, Telegram, Youtube, Instagram Whatsapp, Twitter, and LinkedIn), Telephone, mainstream media (TV and Radio), press release and face to face communications. Lack of collaborative work, lack of professionalism, and communication or Public relations duties being ignored were identified as the challenges of practicing organizational communications in Ethio – Telecom. Conclusions are drawn based on the major findings and due recommendations are also forwarded. Keywords: Communication, Organizational Communications, Public relations, Computer-Mediated Communication, and digital communication
dc.publisherAddis Ababa University
dc.subjectOrganizational Communications
dc.subjectDigital communication
dc.titleAssessment of Organizational Communication Practice: The Case of Ethio-Telecom Communication Division.


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