Protection of Internal Minorities in Ethiopia: Assessing the Potential of Non-territorial Autonomy Arrangements

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The international practice has revealed that individuals belonging to different minorities are often not able to enjoy their human rights because of the discrimination they face. The same holds true in Ethiopia since the long centralist history triggered ethnic inequalities. Fortunately, following the system change, the FDRE Constitution was adopted and declared ethnic federalism, inter alia, to guarantee the rights of ethnic minorities. The thesis, however, argues that the existing ethnic-based territorial autonomy has again failed to accommodate internal minorities. Therefore, it first scrutinizes the inadequacy of protection given to these groups of people under the existing legal and institutional frameworks. Then, it recommends two constitutional solutions. First, the existing ethnic-based territorial autonomy federal system has to be kept intact with giving sufficient protection for the indigenous minorities. Second, non-territorial autonomy as a complementary constitutional arrangement has to be adopted to protect non-indigenous minorities.



Minority, territorial autonomy, non-territorial autonomy, indigenous minorities, non-indigenous minorities, FDRE Constitution, Regional constitution

