Ethnobotanical Study of Traditional Medicinal Plants in Dejen District, East Gojjam, Amahara Region, Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


Medicinal plants have not been well studied, tested, or documented in Dejen district. Most of the information is still in the hands of the traditional healers. This study was carried out between November 2017 and May2018 to explore ethnobotanical information on the use of medicinal plants in Dejen district. A total of 100 informants were interviewed using semi structured interview, group discussion& field observation. A total of 72 plant species were reported for their medicinal uses in the study area. From those 48 species were recorded for the treatment of human ailments, 17 species for livestock and 7 species for the treatment of both human and livestock ailments. The majority of the plants (49%) were found to be harvested from the wild (natural) habitat. The most frequently used plant parts were leaves (31%) followed by roots (22%) . The most widely used method of preparation was crushing (29.6%) of the different plant parts followed by squeezing (24.1%). In the study area shrubs (52.5%) were the dominant plant forms followed by herbs (23.5%). The common route of administration recorded was oral (35%) followed by dermal (28%). Informant consensus showed that Zehneria scabra is the most utilized species by the community. Agricultural expansion, fire wood, construction, drought were the major threats to plants in general and to medicinal plants in particular in the study area. Awareness creation, and running insitu and exsitu conservation of medicinal plants is mandatory to ensure sustainable use of the traditional medicinal plants in the area.



Ethno Botany, Indigenous Knowledge, Medicinal Plant, Preference Ranking, Treatment
