Integration in Design and Construction Phases of Building Projects and the Effect of Constructability (A Case Study on Selected Public Buildings in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
In the conventional approach of construction projects, the design and construction processes are not
implemented in integrated approach. The design work often begins with the client’s need
identification then after discussion and agreement the architect and engineers prepare the design with
the available resources and constraints. After the completion of the architectural and the engineering
designs the procurement and construction will continue respectively. In the process of the design and
construction processes are not integrated. This lack of integration between the two processes is the
cause of many problems like cost overrun, delay, less quality, incompatible with the available
technology and so on, in general lack of constructability of a project.
Project delivery methods have the major impact on the integration of the design and construction
process. According to literatures DB is a better project delivery method with regard to integration of
design and construction phases and constructability issues over DBB. The main objective of this
study is to review and assess the theory and actual practice of the project delivery methods with
respect to the integration of design and construction and the effect of constructability in public
building projects in Addis Ababa.
In order to realize the objectives, case study of three selected public building projects in Addis Ababa
is reviewed. In contrary to the literatures, the results of the case study indicated that, in public
projects, the DB project delivery method is not practiced in proper manner like; the right type of
condition of contract is not implemented , the design and construction processes are not integrated
and others. Accordingly in the actual case of public buildings in Addis Ababa DB have many
problems, even higher than DBB projects with weak quality control, too much variation, time
overrun, and dispute between contractual parties. In addition the concept of constructability is not
practiced in the studied projects of either in the DBB or DB public building projects.
Keywords: - Project Delivery Methods, Integration of Design and Construction, Constructability
Project Delivery Methods, Integration of Design and Construction, Constructability