In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Arts in Regional and Local Development Studies
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Addis Ababauniversity
This research tries to as sess household water supply and factors affecting
consumption levels in Mekelle town. It is with the main objective of assessing
the water supply problems and major factors that affect household per capita
water consumption in the town. To achieve this, relevant data were gathered
from both primary and secondary sources. The major primary instrument of
data for the study was household questionnaire survey. A sample of 200
households was selected using systematic random sampling method from
four "Tabias' and responses of the questionnaire survey were entered into
SPSS and STATA Software for analysis.
As found out, mean daily p er capita water consumption of sample households
with private connection (group 1), households with out private connection
(group 2), and households with private connection and water vendors (group
3) is 49.5 l/c/ d, 11.9 l/c/d and 83.9 l/c/d respectively. Daily per capita
water consumption of those households who do not have their own private
connection is 11.9 liters. This is lower than the amount specified by Ministry
of Water Resource (1996) which was 20 liters of water p er person p er day
and far lower than the WHO standard (45 1/ c/ d).
The result of regression analysis indicated that average income of household
heads, household size, presence of meter connection, and flu sh toilet are
statistically s ignificant to explain the variation in daily per capita water
consumption among households in the town.
Hence, income, presence of meter connection and flush toilet are positively
related to mean daily water consumption p er capita (Y). On the other hand,
household size is negatively related to mean daily water consumption p er
capita (Y). Therefore for appropriate water supply projection, a detail study on
the physical and socio-economic factors affecting per capita water
consumption are desirable.
Key words: Supply, Phys ical, Socio-economic, Household, Per capita,
Consumption, Daily
Supply, Phys ical, Socio, economic, Household, Per capita, Consumption, Daily