Pastoral Women Participation in Water Resource Management: Evidence from Bena Tseamy woreda, South Omo Zone, Ethiopia.
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Addis Ababa University
The title of this study is pastoral women participation in water resource management in
the case of Bena Tsemay woreda, South Omo Zone, Ethiopia. The major objective ofthis
study is assessing pastoral women participation in Water Resource Management in Bena
-Tseamy woreda of South Omo Zone. To achieve this objective, the study employs both
qualitative and quantitative research methods. Field data from number of selected kebeles
in Bena-Tsemay woreda was collected through use of questionnaires, direct field
observations, key informant interviews and focused group discussions, while, secondary
data was obtained through detailed literature reviews. Quantitative and qualitative data
collected were analyzed using SPSS and interpretation data analysis techniques. The
result of the study shows that there are low or inactive involvements of pastoral women
in both domestic and irrigation water resources managements even if, they are primary
agents in securing food and water needs of pastoral household. The study also identifies
different socio-cultural factors that contribute for low level of women involvement in
water resource management in the study area like: cultural influence, work burden, male
dominance, low social status of women, etc. Finally recommendations to wards viewing
and empowering pastoral women as manager of water resources and active participants
in water resource management were proposed based on the result and gap identified.
Water Resource Management: