Relative Performance of Private Higher Education Institutes: St. Mary University College and Unity University
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Addis Ababa University
The intention of the study is to know the similarities and differences of operations and
competitive advantages of two private universities and colleges in Addis Ababa.
Institutes which perform similar activities have a tendency to engage in competition by
making one or more variables better than others. Customers also have a wider chance to
shift from one institutes to the other which serves better. Under such conditions,
institutes strive to develop competitive positions to provide unique or better products
than competitors.
Comparative study is used to compare the competitive advantages of the two institutes.
Purposive sampling technique is to select the three categories of respondents, students,
instructors, and administrative staffs; from both institutes and also simple random
sampling technique is used to select sample students and instructors through lottery
method. Purposive sampling technique is used to select sample administrative staffs that
have a link to academic issues. Quantitative and qualitative methods are used to analyze
the data through percentages, weighted mean and statements. Average respondents
response and weighted mean are also considered to make inferences. A total of 125
sample respondents who comprised of 60 students, 45 instructors, and 20 administrative
staffs are taken as sample respondents from both institutes.
The findings show that both institutes have developed similar statuses on some variables
and vary in other variables. Employees in UU has better advantages in salary earnings
than SMUC, assisting economically poor students to learn by covering all subsistence
costs etc. and also SMUC has competitive advantages through forming partnership
agreements from international institutes and with wide coverage of geographical areas
in distance education etc.The findings imply that by working more on those variables which created them similar
statuses, either of the institutes can create additional competitive advantage
private higher education institutes