Practices and Challenges of Kebele Education and Training Board Participation in the Management of Preparatory Schools in North Showa Zone of Oromia Regional State
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Addis Ababa University
The main objective of this study was to assess the practices and challenges of KETB participation in the management of selected preparatory schools, in North Shoa Zone, Oromia Regional State. The selected schools for this study were Gohatsion, Gebre Guracha, Degem, Fitche, Debre Tsige, and Muke Turi preparatory schools from 18 preparatory Schools. Samples were taken from six schools from a total of 174 teachers, 72 KETB and PTA members for questionnaires and 12 Principals and 6 Supervisors for interview were selected by using total population and available sampling technique. The study was carried out with descriptive survey method and both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used.The quantitative data obtained through questionnaire were present and interpreted by using tables. The data collected through questionnaire were analyzed quantitatively using descriptive statistics particularly frequency, percentiles and mean. On the other hand, the data found from interview and document analysis were analyzed qualitatively using narrative descriptive method. The major finding indicated that the participation of KETB members in the school management were poor, and lack of interest and awareness, lack of knowledge, shortage of time and pressure from school principals were some challenges for poor KETB participation on the school management functions. KETB poor participation highly affected the school improvement and students’ achievement. Therefore, based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that facilitating training and creating a suitable environment to fully participate KETB members is mandatory. Additionally, KETB members should improve their interest by giving incentives, training and commitment and try to participate the community and local NGOs to improve the school teaching learning.
Key words: Practices, Challenges, Participation, School Management
Practices, Challenges, Participation, School Management