Gender Aspects of Improved Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Practice Adoption in Girar-Jarso Woreda, North Shewa Zone of Oromia Region, Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


This study aimed to assess the gender aspects of improved WASH practice adoption in Grar Jarso woreda, north shewa zone of oromia region, Ethiopia. The motivation behind conducting this study was to increase the understanding of the community, academician, policymaker and those who use this research as a starting point to undertake further study on how WASH practice and its sustainability was ensured through avoiding gender-based difference and promote equal participation. In this study, both primary and secondary source of data, as well as the quantitative and qualitative approach, was applied. An interview guide and checklist were prepared to conduct an unstructured interview with key informants and focus group discussions. A close-ended questionnaire was used to collect primary data from selected household respondents. The secondary source of data was gathered from different publications, articles, reports, previous studies, books and websites. For the purpose of this study out of the total 17 kebeles of the woreda about two kebeles were selected and from the total 1484 households of the two kebeles, about 315 sample households were selected through random sampling techniques. The collected data were analyzed through descriptive analysis using SPSS version 20. Women are vital agents for improving potable water, sanitation and the hygiene status of the household.The sanitation status of households plays a significant role in environmental and human health. Several interventions were undertaken by different stakeholders and NGOs such as constructing toilets in the school compound and around villages in the near distance for households, creating awareness about owning area free from fieance and urine as well as the adverse impacts of open defecation on the environment and human health, but still, gaps persist on understanding and sustaining WASH practice. The results of the study revealed that the source of water used throughout the year was hand-dug well and spring respectively. Related to this the sanitation status of households was subject to the source of income and means of livelihoods and have a gender dimension. Open defecation and urination are influenced by culture and gender differences which have health and environmental implication. On the other hand, the hygiene practice of households shows progress, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, there should be a strong correlation between water and energy, education, health and women's youth and children's offices to ensure gender equality and WASH practice adoption.



Environment, Gender water, sanitation, hygiene practice and adoption
