Household Food Security Situation in Girar Jarso W oreda, North Shewa Zone of Oromiya National Regional State, Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


The central theme of this study was to explore household food security situation in Girar Jarso woreda. To do so, various data collection and analysis methods were used The necessary data were generated both Fom primary and secondary sources to answer the research question. Hence, fie ld observation, household survey, key informant interview and focus group discussions were the principal means of generating primary sources of data while secondary data were obtained ji'om by reviewing various governmental and nongovernmental organization documents and reports, books and academic research papers. The collected data were coded and entered into computer software called statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) and analyzed by using various statistical techniques such as Fequency, percentage, cross tabulation and Pearson chi-square test The Household Food Balance Model was utilized to quantifY household food availability which indicated that the available dietary energy of households meet only 45.3 percent of the minimum dailyallmvance, 2100kcal. This shows a dejiciency of 54.7 percent. To this effect, 84 percent of household fiKes food insecurity in which the causes are related to poor access to productive asset/resources. A10reover, respondent's expressed their perception on their household food security situation. As a result, 69 percent of households are perceived as they are food insecure while 85 percent perce ived as they are non self sufficient. Moreover, farmers perceived that the causes of household food insecurity are related to demographic, bio-physical, socia-cultural and infrastructural, economic, political and institutional factors. The study revealed that, high population pressure, land shortage, poor soil f ertility, soil erosion, erratic rainfall distribution, poor saving, poor food rationing, inadequate veterinary services, luw nun larm incume, insufficient farm holding, poor cash income, weak rural organization, poor extension services and use of modern farm input are considered by households (IS Ihe main constraints of both the agricultural productivity andfood security status oflhe households. Food insecure houselwld in the sludy area de velops their own coping mechanism to household food shorlage l1Iostly by eating less prefe rred foods, reducing the number of meals, purchasing foo ds Ihruugh selling smail animals, grass, kubet andjirewood B(/.\ed un Ihe j indings of the study, both short term and long term actions from government bodies, i/uIlO /'S (lnd households Ihemselves to ensure household food security have been recommended



Food Security Situation
