The Effect of Health Education on Case Management of Acute Respiratory Illnesses among Mothers or Other Care - Givers of under Five Children in Sululta Awraja

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Addis Ababa University


This s tudy on the effect of health education on case management of acute respiratory illness (ARI) among mothers or other care givers of under five children was done in Sululta Awraja which is one of the rural districts of Addis Ababa Administrative Region in the central part of Ethiopia. The aim of the study was to determine the incidence of ARI and to compare the knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and practices of mothers of under five children before and after an intervention of acute respiratory illness (ARI) specific and general health education. 540 households were selected randomly from three Farmers'Associations which are found within five kilometres radius of a health center . Mothers or other care-givers were interviewed about their knowledge, attitude, beliefs and practices. One week after the baseline survey ARI specific health education was conducted in one Farmers' Association, general health education was given in the second community and no health education in the control Farmers' Association. The intervention and the control communities were selected randomly. The health education was given monthly for four months. Fortnightly visits to both intervention communities were carried out to determine incidence. At the end of the four months maternal knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and practices were assessed by questionnaire. Practice was verified with health institution records. The study showed that the incidence of ARI and acute lower respiratory illnesses episodes were 13.9 and 7.4/ 100 children /four months. The occurrence of ARI was two times higher in children under one year of age as compared to children 1-4 years. The percent change in maternal knowledge, attitude, beliefs and practice after ARI specific health education was 30.4%, 51.9%, -.75% and 68% respectively. The percent change in maternal knowledge, attitudes, practices and beliefs after general health education intervention were -33.4%,66.3%,64% and -5.2% respectively. 75% of the Mothers or other caregivers of under five children from the ARI specific health education communities brought their sick children with ARI to the health center as compared to only 30.7% from the general health education intervention community. No change was observed on the knowledge, attitudes, practices and beliefs of mothers or other caregivers of under fives in the control community. The study showed that ARI is common in under five children and the risk of ARI is much higher in under one children. The study also showed ARI specific health education is effective in changing the knowledge, attitudes and practices of care-givers and general health education is effective in changing attitudes.



Health Education on Case Management

