Socio-Demographic and Behavioral Determinants of Sero-Discordance among Couples Taking HIV Test Dessie (Ethiopia)

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Addis Ababa University


Background: There is no room for complacency about AIDS anywhere. It is estimated some 5 million people become infected with HIV per annum. The pandemic is continuing unabated. Though more than 40 million people are living with HIV/AIDS today, we must remember that this epidemic is still in its early stage in many nations. Since the major means of transmission for the virus is heterosexual intercourse, identifying serodiscordant couples/partners through VCT would have paramount importance to mitigate the propagation of the disease. Objective: To assess the prevalence of serodiscordant test result possible socio demographic and behavioral determinants. Assessment of post test reaction of discordant couples & perceived competency of counselors towards couple counseling. Methods: The study was retrospective crossectional study design based on simple random sampling of couples tested for HIV in 2004/5. The Ethiopian Standard VCT client record formats was sorted chronologically to serve as sampling frame. The calculated sample size for the quantitative study was 601couples (1202 individuals). Qualitative data was generated from counselors and peer supervisors to enrich the quantitative data & address issues far fetched quantitatively. Tape recorder and semi structured open-ended questions were used for the qualitative data. Computerized data entry, cleaning and analysis was executed using relevant software packages like SPSS and Open code. Ethical clearance was considered for each step, which mandates to do so. Result: The prevalence of sero discordance was found to be 9.8%. Of all study-subjects, 0.93 % were concordant positive while the remaining 88.3 % were concordant negative. Discordance was more prevalent among previously divorced and separated couples 22.4% & 22.8 % respectively. Married couples found to be significantly discordant than premarital couples, OR= 2.408; 95 % CI (1.26, 4.602); P=008. Conclusion: several socio demographic and behavioral factors were associated with sero discordance for couples. Posttest reactions of couples were so grave, counselors used to face considerable challenges. Key words: Behavioral determinants, HIV/AIDS, seroconcordant, serodiscordant, Sociodemographic determinants, voluntary counseling and testing (VCT)



Behavioral determinants, HIV/AIDS, Seroconcordant, Serodiscordant

