Practices and Challenges of the Agricultural use of Rainwater Harvesting in Amhara Region, Menz Mama Mider Woreda

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Addis Ababa University


This stlldy was conducted with the objective to assess the practices and challenges of RWNT, /{J examine the/actors that affect farmers decision to adopt RWNT, to explore the perception of the local people abollt the lil'nitation and prospects of RWNT, and lastly to assess the contribution of RWNT to fanners' food security, In order to realize the facts household survey on 100 fann households having equal number of participant and nOI1 porticipont fa 1'1 ners, two focus group discussions with selected RWf-IT user and 110n user group (4' farmers, six key it,/ormant interviews with concerned stakeholders were conducted andfinally secondary data were used to support the primary data, The stlulv area was selected through a /'Illliti-stage purposive sa/'llpling technique while sill/pie mlldo/ll sOli/piing was entployed .for surveying the RWHT user ond the non user .Iitrmef.\', nte study employed both qUClliwtive alld qUCllllitative methods of dow analysis in order {() in corporate the facts investigated through discussions, interviews ond survey o( households, Where the qualitative data were used to triangulate the in/cJI'Ination co/lected through focus gmup discussion and key informant interview, And descripti ve statistics and Peorson x2-test were used .fbI' quantitative data analysis, The result of Pea rsoll x2-test has shown that total land size offarmers', livestock availability including oxen, access 10 credit service, saving, labor availability alld large family size have positive association with RWHT adoption, And again. the educational status, level of education of household head (lnd sO/lrce of income /i-oll1 the agricultural sector are positively (lssociCLIed with RWHT FUr/hennore, the result from the qualitCLIive data indicated that the overall trend of RWHT adoption in the study area was found to be increasing, And most of the local people perception was found to be positive to the RWHT I-Iowever, farmers are chollenged by institlltional, technological and Jinancial and environment relmed prohlellls to adopt and to /ltili~e the technology, Filloil)" the .I'tlldy revealed thm RWI-IT improves the food securitv status offarmers by itnl'rol'ing their incollle f rol'n rain fed agriculture, and their assets SIIeh as lil'estock production. There/ore, efforts shouJd be made by the government and other concerned bodies 10 lI1inimize the structural, institutional , related challenges in order to enhance the benefits of RWI-IT



Agricultural use of Rainwater
