Public Private Partnership in the Health Sector of Addis Ababa
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Pu blic Private Partnership is a pa rtnership between the public sector and the private
sector for the purpose of delivering a proj ect or a service traditionally provided by the
publ ic sector. as a modern service deli very mechani sm, public private partnership when
carefully appli ed benefits the government, the private partners and the citizens in general.
PPP in the health sector is believed to add va lue to the service quality and improve the
efficiency in both the government and pri vate health sector. when it comes to the hea lth
sector in Addis Ababa however, whether there is actual need for PPP in health is was not
well known, the general situation of public private partnership in the health sector of the
city with respect to the opportunities and challenges existing in the environment was not
well studied,
Health, Sector