Effect Of Psychological Factors On Consumer Buying Behavior Of Cosmetic Products Among Female Cosmetics Consumers In Bole Sub City, Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa University


In the present time, cosmetic products are one of the products that are highly advertised and commercially promoted products around the world. Concurrently, consumers’ buying behaviors of cosmetic products are influenced by several factors including social, environmental, personal and psychological factors. The purpose of the current study is to assess the effects of psychological factors on female consumer buying behavior of cosmetic products in cosmetics and estimate the roughly expenses of cosmetic consumers in cosmetics shops in Bolie Sub-city, Addis Ababa. A cross sectional survey method data collection paired with two stage sampling; simple random sampling in selecting the cosmetics shops and non-probabilistic purposive technique of sampling using close ended Self-Administered Questionnaires produced data of 161 respondents, after conducting pilot study from 30 respondents in advance. Results the quantitative data outcomes on the estimates of monthly expenses showed a range of 600 to 800 Birr. The correlation analysis indicated that psychological factors are strongly related with the customers purchasing decision-making processes. The regression analysis on the effect of psychological factors on purchasing decisions processes produced Pearson’s correlation coefficients R=0.669 with p-values of 0.001(two tailed). Besides, regression analysis results showed 47.5% (R2=0.475, p=0.002) prediction power of attitude and perception; but, t-test output indicated that learning and motivation lack predicting power of consumers purchasing decision processes. Nonetheless, the insights derived from the current research, the results are only generalizable to the participants of this study because of the research limitations in the sampling process and use of non-probabilistic sampling method



decision-making processes, decisions processes
