Knowledge of Obstetrics Danger Sgn and Associated Factors among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care at Health Facilities, in Tenta Woreda,south Wollo, Ethiopia 2019:a Cross Sectional Study.

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Addis Ababa University


BACKGROUND: - Preventable maternal mortality and morbidity remain challenging in many countries like Ethiopia. Most cause of maternal deaths were preventable and the effect of three delays, from which one of the delay is delay in seek care. Poor knowledge about danger sign in pregnancy was a major contributor to delay in seeking obstetric care, this contributes to high maternal morbidity and mortalityin a developing country like Ethiopia. OBJECTIVES: - Assessment of Knowledge on obstetric danger signs and associated factors among pregnant women attending antenatal care at health facilities in Tenta Woreda, north Ethiopia. METHODS: - Institution based cross-sectional study was employed and all health facilities in the Woreda were included in the study. The study subjects were selected using systematic sampling method and 293 women was proportionally allocated to respective health facilities. The tool had three parts, which is sociodemographic part, reproductive part and knowledge based. The data were collected by interviewed method. The data was entered using epi data (version 4.2) and export to SPSS version 25.00 for clearing and analysis and Logistic regression analyses were employed to identify factors associated with knowledge of obstetric danger signs. Using 95% CI variables with a p-value <0.05 were identified as statistically significant factors. RESULT: - Two hundred eighty-seven mothers participated in the study making a response rate of 98%. From those participants’ the knowledge of obstetric danger signs in the combination of three tracks (prenatal, postnatal, postnatal) were 78(27.2%). It also found that pregnant women who participated in this study, 128 (44.6%), 140(48%) and 132(46%) knew at least three danger signs during pregnancy,childbirth and postpartum period respectively. Being secondary education were 4.7 times knowledgeable than illiterate, (AOR=4.7, 95% CI 1.00,22.01) residency also another significantly determinant for maternal knowledge. Being urbanized were three times knowledgeable than the rural compartment (AOR=3.1, 95%CI=1.059,9.34). CONCLUSION: A significant proportion of pregnant women in Tenta Woreda do not have knowledge of obstetric danger signs. Area of residence, occupation, education level gravidity and antenatal care service utilization were independently associated with the knowledge of women on obstetric danger signs. Thus, intervention programs aiming to improve women’s knowledge about obstetric danger signs in the area of health facility, Federal ministry of health and research area.



Knowledge, Pregnant mother, Obstetrics Danger Sign, Antenatal Care, Health Facilities
