The Policy Implications of Land Use Planning: Analysis of its Correlation with Tenure Security in Oromia, (With Particular Emphasis on the Peri-Urban Rural Areas of East Shewa)
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Addis Ababa University
Land is limited and essential natural resource. On the other hand, the need for it is scaling up
year after year with an increase in the number of population. Hence the finite nature of the land
together with the growing needs for it calls for its efficient and sustainable utilization.
Land is everything and a chief area of concern in the context of emerging country like Ethiopia
and Oromia (the Region) as state in particular. Because here land beside its economic values is a
measure of identity and personhood.
In the study, therefore, the policy implications LUP, its correlation to land tenure and its roles for
a constant growth has been under taken. At last it has found out that system of land allocation
and exploitation is random in the Region. These conditions necessitate for the formulation of
legal and policy framework that used to control land use system. Thus it has recommended that
there have to be land use policy and policy devices.
LUP land use policy, land tenure and peri-urban rural areas,