Assessment Of Customer Relationship Management Practice (The case of Dashen Bank S.Co, Addis Ababa)
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Addis Ababa University
The main objective of this study is to assess the customer relationship management practice
in case Dashen Bank. CRM is one of the critical strategies that can be employed by
organizations to improve competitive advantage. Four critical CRM elements are measured in this
study are; first the convenience & physical appearance, second employee’s behavior,
relationship development & reliability, third pricing policy, responsiveness & customer
Service quality and forth customers information database management, product development
& promotion. The study adopted a descriptive design and quantitative data were employed to
address the objective. Both primary and secondary data were used. The quantitative data were
collected through a structured questionnaire and document review. The Population for the
study was 1,403 Corporate Customers of Dashen Bank in Addis Ababa ( those customers
data were found from the bank Information technology department) and the study was
conducted on the basis of opinion survey collected from randomly selected 311 Corporate
Customers, expecting that those customers have significant impact on the bank long run
profitability. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS version 20. Percentage, mean,
standard deviation and relevant statistical methods were employed. Moreover, tables and
elaborations were used to present the findings. Based on 311 respondents this study found
that the overall assessment of Customer relationship management practice is at good level.
However, the bank is weak implementation of easy customer support access like call center,
supportive and updated website, helpdesk and other alternative communication channels that
helps the customers at the absence of the relationship manager which are responsible for
handling customers transactions, employees and management team periodical Customer visit,
absence of Convenient parking space and capturing and updating customer information and
use the information to satisfy customer needs.
Customer Relationship Management, Customer satisfaction, Dashen Bank