Assessment Of Human Resource Management Practices In Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this research was to assess the human resource management practices in
Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation. Data was gathered from employees of head office.
Descriptive analysis method was used to analyze the data and both qualitative and quantitative
approaches were employed. Primary data was collected using five Point Likert-Scale
questionnaires; 80 responses were properly filled and returned. After the required data are
collected descriptive (i.e. frequency, percentage and mean) analysis were used to analyze the
data using SPSS version 20. The findings indicated that there was no proper planning for the
recruitment and selection process, Majority of the employees was not treated fairly by the
recruitment panels, the recruitment process focuses more internally, the employees were not
satisfied by the benefit packages of the Corporation as compared to most other organizations
offer. The Corporation should adjust the benefit packages so that it can retain employees who
are dissatisfied by the benefit packages of the corporation.
Human resource management, recruitment, training and development