The Challenges and Achievements af Dawurogna As A Medium of Instruction In Primary First Cycle Schools Of Dawuro Zone, SNNPR
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Addis Ababa University
The aim of this study was to explore the challenges and achievements of Dawurogna as a
medium of instruction in primary first cycle schools of Dawuro zone, SNNP. For the purpose,
the zone and woreda education officials, teachers of Mareka, Loma woreda and Sore town
administration, and grade four students and their parents were the source subjects of the study,
where the use of Dawurogna as a medium of instruction is being implementing. In an attempt
to collect reliable and valuable information, a combination of diverse data gathering tools
consisting of questionnaire, interview and documentary sources supported by informal
discussions with schools principals and officials were carried out. The findings of the study
revealed that the attempt made to prepare teachers to teach in Dawuro language as a medium
of instruction was not promising and satisfactorily treated. The educational status of teachers
was not in line with the current education and training policy of the country. The in-service
training was also the forgotten issue. There was a serious scarcity of students' textbooks and
other reference materials for both teachers and students. Most teachers replied that textbooks
prepared was not in line with students' age and grade level and also lack cultural context. The
other most serious problem was, teachers' negative attitude towards the language as a medium
of instruction and their least participation in various problem solving activities, but students,
offiCials and parents have favorable attitude to the language as a medium of instruction. The
inability of teachers training Colleges to train teachers in their respective nationality
languages was also another major problem. The participation of teachers in activities such as
curriculum and text materials preparation, evaluation, workshops to build their capacity were
very low. On a positive note, Dawurogna medium of instruction has resulted in various
benefits; it highlighted the freedom of using the language. It helped students to understand the
lesson. Translation problem has been omitted that the concerned bodies to discuss on school
matters each other, . enabled people to write and read etc. were the major ones. On the basis of
the findings, the awareness and skill development training, preparing qualified teachers and
relevant textbooks, and other instructional materials, enabling the training Colleges to train
teachers in their respective nationality languages, encouraging teachers and other educators
to conduct research on the area and strengthening the community (stakeholders) participation
by the regional, zonal and woreda education bureau with other stakeholders should be carried
on Y1!ere recommended to ease the problems and to maintain the achievements obtained