Iodine Statusand its Determinants Among School Age Children in Kindo Didaye District of Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


Iodine deficiency is public health problem in the world especially in developing countries. The main aim of this study was to assess iodine status in school children aged between 6-12 years and its determinant factors. Cross sectional study design was conducted in Kindo Didaye district on March 2014. Two stage cluster sampling technique was used to select study participants. One hundred twenty one children and their corresponding mothers/caregivers were involved in study. Socio demographic and economic characteristics, mothers/caregivers knowledge about iodized salt and food habits of children were assessed through a face-to-face interview technique.Spot urine sample was taken to measure urinary iodine concentration using ammonium persulfate (method A), physical examination of goiter was made as per the criteria of WHO/UNICEF/ICCIDD and salt samples were collected to assess iodine content by rapid test kits. Descriptive (frequency and percent) and inferential analysis (binary and multiple variable logistic regression and independent sample Ttest) were performed to analyze data. Total goiter rate and median urinary iodine concentration (UIC) of children was 38% and 51.2ug/l respectively. Only 30% of households use iodized salt. Asbinary logistic regression analysis indicated gender, salt iodine content, place of purchase salt and cassava consumption were associated with goiter rat. In multiple variable logistic regression analysis being male had lower risk of goiter (odds ratio(OR) of 0.284(0.113,0.712) at 95% confidence interval than female. Children consuming salt with iodine content of <15ppm were (OR 3.58 (1.261,10.164)) more likely to develop goiter than that of >15ppm. Source of purchase salt from shop were (OR of 0.311(0.1,0.962) less likely to had goiter when compared with retail salt from open market. The results of goiter rate and UIC obviously indicate that the problem of iodine deficiency was severe in study area. The observed degree of goiter rate and urinary iodine concentration in children and available quantity of iodized salt in K/Didaye district needs urgent action to combat iodine deficiency. KEYWORDS: Iodine deficiency; goiter; school age children; K/Didaye district.



Iodine deficiency; goiter; school age children; K/Didaye district.
