Challenges for the Sustainablty of Water Supply Services in Rural Area. The case of Alaba Special Woreda SNNPR, Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Community managed rural water supply scheme is considered as one of the
options for achieving sustainability of water supply services. International
communities and donors are steering this concept. Recently, water schemes in
rural areas are constructed either by the governmental or non-governmental
organizations. However, frequency of non-junctionality increases from year to
year and the users didn't get minimum standards service. The focus of this
study is, therefore, to identify major challenges on the sustainability of water
supply services in rural area.
This study was conducted on water supply service for the communities where
the schemes were functional and others scheme users when their scheme
were not functional. Data was collected from water users, water management
committees and Woreda water office through focus group discussions and
interviews. A structured questionnaire was administered to 297 households
heads. The data analyzed descriptively for qualitative; and usmg mean,
average, standard de viation and percentage for quantitative.
The result of the study revealed that the users from others neighbor functional
schemes were relatively found to travel longer distance, take longer time to
fetch water and low frequency in fetching water and low water consumption
as compared with functional once. But the service level for both users were
below (10 II c/ day for oth€1"S functional neighboring scheme and
11.111/ c/ day for functional) UPA recommended value (151/ c/ day) in water
consumption and higher in traveling distance and time due to limited
improved schemes with number of woreda population and area coverage, and
absences of others source options. The result also shown that nonfunctionality
of the schemes were mainly due to problems related with water
and sanitation committees intuitional set up and financial management
system on one hand and low stake holders participation in all phases of
project on the other in most schemes.
Therefore, this study recommended that, increasing service provision through
expansion of the existing schemes, building capacity of water and sanitation
committee and Woreda Water Office for appropriate management of the
schemes and further strengthening the participation of stakeholders
Water Supply Services