Zar expressions in Arsi Farak'asa of Oromia
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Addis Ababa Universiy
This study is an attempts made to discuss Zar expressions in Arsi Farak'asa of Oro mo. The
expressions include verbal and non verbal expressions. The non-verbal expressions are
objects of symbolic representation which include clothes, sacrifice animals colours etc.
Verbal expressions include phonological complexity, glossolalia, literal and poetic
Carriers, devotees and shamans believe that carriers in altered state speak languages which
they never speak normal state. However, researchers suggested that carriers in altered state
ufter a deformed language Leslau (1949). Such claims were part of statements of the present
study whose objective is exploring linguistic and 11011- linguistic expression of Zar, and
analysing the data using qualitative method.
The main findings of the research is that carriers in altered state utter phonologically
complex words, mixed phrases, non-existing or unknown languages (Glossolalia). Although
some things are taken as shared dues of all Zars, each Zar has also a unique demand.
Carriers, devotees and shamans have shared knowledge of the dues. The oral and poetic
expressions during rites focus on reciting phrases that show the supremacy of Momina 's Zar
and that of her ancestors.
Finally, the relation between spirit possession and gender differences are remaining issues
that need fitrther investigation, this is because female carriers possessed by male Zars have
low pitch.
The expressions include verbal and non verbal expressions.