Assesment of Training Practice of the Addis Ababa City Administration Urban Management Institute

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The main purpose of this study was to assess the current practice of training program conducted by the city administration urban management Institute (UMI) in light of training theories and principles. To conduct this study, a descriptive survey method was employed. Simple and purposive sampling techniques were used. The data were collected through questionnaire, structured interview and document analysis. The samples for this purpose were taken from a total of 17 Urban management officials and Trainers, 49 city and cub city officials and 42 trainees who took part in the training programs conducted by UMI as actual sources of information. Data analysis was made using descriptive statistics, frequency count and percentage. The major findings were the practice of conducting training need assessment prior to training were found non existent, the involvement of client organizations and employees in setting training objectives and content selection had been neglected. All of the training programs offered were short term off-the-job-trainings and no emphasis has been given to on-the-job-training methods. The system of evaluation by which the effectiveness of training programs was assessed focused used mainly on ~ training evaluation during and after training using training evaluation formats and questionnaires. Besides, inadequate budget, lack of management support, inadequate organizational facility and Absence of client organizations participation in overall training provisions were seen as some of the Major constraints in the training endeavors it can then be concluded that training investments by the city administration offices didn't produce or achieved the intended goals because of poorly designed and implemented training programs which were not linked to performance problems. UMI didn't facilitate the participation of stake holders in setting objectives and content selection. Thus in light of the above problems the following recommendations were forwarded. Needs assessment has to be carried out systematically; UMI should develop training directives which include guides for needs assessment, selection criteria, and Other issues. Participation of stake holders has to be encouraged in setting objectives and content Selection for training endeavors. Evaluation has to be practiced all the way through the training programs using varions assessment techniques.



Assesment, Practice
