The Mediating role of Job Satisfaction in the relationship between Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment: The Case of Ethiopian Airlines Group

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The main aim of this study was to determine the mediation effect of job satisfaction on the relationship between organizational culture and organizational commitment in the Ethiopian Airlines Group. To undertake the study, a quantitative research approach was used and structured questionnaires were adopted from preceding research works and self-administered by employees at Ethiopian Airlines Group. Out of a sample of 377 target respondents, 335 of them were able to complete the questionnaires. The relationship between the variables was analysed using explanatory research designs and employed descriptive and inferential statistics. The data gathered in the study further assessed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 20.0 statistical program via numerous statistical methods and test techniques (i.e. frequency distribution, correlation regression, ANOVA, t-test,). The results of the study stipulated that the dominant cultural dimension in the Ethiopian Airlines Group is clan culture followed by market and hierarchy culture. Clan culture emphasizes teamwork, focuses on nurturing, mentoring, and a family-like working environment. The correlation results show that the relationships between the three variables of the study which are organizational culture, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment were positive and strong. Besides, clan culture has a significant and positive correlation with both job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The study results also established that job satisfaction had a partial mediation effect in the relationship between organizational culture and organizational commitment. The general implication of the study result depicted that a corporate culture dominated by teamwork, collaboration, mentoring, employee engagement, and a family-like environment is highly desirable in the Ethiopian Airlines Group. Yet again, employees are very much satisfied with and willing to commit to the company whenever clan culture is predominant. Therefore, by adopting a clan type of corporate culture, Ethiopian Airlines Group can create employees’ job satisfaction and organizational commitment.



Organizational culture, Clan culture, job satisfaction, organizational commitment

