Tlgrinya 'Ajamjon Naja.Si Philological Analysis of Sayij 'Umar Abrar's Manuscripts

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Addis Ababa University


This thes is exa mines a manuscript in Tigrinya that is written in the Arabic script. A text in a nonArabic language that is written in the Arabic script is known in Arabic as 'ajaml. The 'ajaml manu script the thes is dea ls with focuses on the 7'h-century king of Abyssin ia, popularly ca lled Najasl by Mus lims. He was contemporary with the Pro phet Mul,ammad . The manuscript was written by a Mus lim clerical scholar of the Tigray region, Say!] 'Umar Abrar, who lived in the last quarter of the 19'" century .and the first half of the 20'" century. In addit io n to a detai led philological a nalys is of the manuscript on Najasl, the thes is provides brief descriptions of fourteen other manuscripts of the Say!]. It is believed that this thesis const itutes the first scho larly treatme nt ofTigrinya 'ajaml. Most of the manuscripts of Sayl] 'Umar are in Tigrinya 'ajaml; some are in Arabic and a few in Amharic 'ajaml. Apart /i'om the one on Najasl, the other manuscripts deal with such to pics as inheritance, genea logy, j urisprudence and Mawlid. Based on the manuscripts of Sayl] ' Umar, especia lly on the aspects concerning the emigrant companions of the Prophet who were welcomed by Najasl, the thesis hopes to contr ibute to the histo ry of Is lam and Muslims in northern Ethiopia.




