Study on Comparative Diagnostic Teaching of Fasciolosis in Slaughtred Rulminants at Elfora Export Abattoir Debre Zeit, Ethiopia
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A stud y was conducted at EL FO RA Export Aballoir. Dcbrc·Zeit in order to compa re the
d iffe ren t di agnos ti c tec hniq ues in nl1 11 in anl fa sc iolo sis. T he results of standa rd faeca l
sedim entat ion techni que fo r nuke egg quant ifi cat ion was compa red to th a t of an l!llzymc
linked immu nosorbcll t assay (indirect ELI SA ) les t and liver inspect io n as we ll as res u lts of
SenllTI enzyme activ ities. Out o f th e 324 call1 e , 350 sheep and 385 goats s laughtered at
ELFORA Export Abatto ir , 125 (38.5%), 4 ( l.l-Jo~o) and 2 (0.5 10'0) were found \0 be posni\-e
for lesions of fasc io losis, re specti ve ly duri ng post mortem in specti on. Dur ing faeca l
exam ination 108(33%) , 4( 1. 14%) and 2(0. 5 1%) wc re pos iti ve for fascio la eggs in catt lc ,sheep
and goats respec tively. Furt her examinatio n on 13.f ran d om ly selected samples from eanlc
revea led that 75%, 29°0 and 4 1% we re positi\'e lIs ing sero logical, fa ecal and postmortem
examination techn iques. respec ti vel y. In sma ll nuninant s . the preva le nce of fasclo losls \\IIS
low botb in coproscopy a nd indirec t ELI SA testes: on ly one o ut of 68 sheep was positive
coproscopicall y a nd J we re posi tiv e sero logi cally: and one a liI of 22 goats tested was po::,itl\ e
both at coproscopy and se rology exam ina ti ons. Ti ll S indicates the high scmlllvity of ELISA
compared to the others techniques in d iagnos ing fascio los is. The o \'era ll assessment indicatl!s
the relatedness of faeca l examina ti on result w ith ELISA find ings. though thc test agreement I::,
weak ( Kappa 0.236). SimJiariy. there was a strong relationship between faecnl e'\ammatlon
and postmortem findings o f liver lesions, Kappa value . P=0.758). Out of the 5-l canle \\Hh
known li\'er lesions of fasc iola 33 (6 1. 1%) were ha\lng e levated Ic\cls of GGT than l10nmil
\'aluc for caule. m support of the above statement, our findmgs regardmg the kvcl of GGT
suggest its association wi th li ver lesions encounte red at postmortem examination. The k\ cl of
test of agrccment between the liver exa mination and GGT determination \\as howc\ er
moderate (Kappa=0.332). On the other hand the level of LOll has shown to bc gcnerall)
ele\ atcd both in negative as we ll as pos itive anllnals ror live r lesions mdicatmg the absence of
relationship between liver les ions and level of LDI L The use 01 LliSA IS found to be a more
reliable d iagnostic lest than coproscopy in detecting fasciolosis III ruminants
Coproscopy, ELI SA, Fasc iola, Li ver enzymes. Rummants.