The Perceptio11 of Socio--economical Demographic Causes of Deforestatio and its C0nsequences in Chena Woreda: The Case of Kafa Zone, SNNPRS
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Addis Abeba university
Forests ,are essential natural resources thatll/ake an ill/portant contribution to the wealth 0/
the counlly. They provide wood/orjilel, poles and till/ber/or construction,/urnish callIe with
shelter and /odder and protect the soil ji-om erosion. On the other hand, destruction o//orest
leads hUll/an beings and the environll/entto various problems. Departingji-om this backdrop,
the research focuses on the perception on socia-economic and dell/agraphic causes 0/
deforestation and its consequences in Chena Woreda-The case 0/ Ke/a Zone, SNNPRS.
The study examines the relation beMeen household size, level 0/ education, social exclusion,
landljorest tenure rights and deforestation and jimher assesses the consequences 0/
deforestation and community perceptions 0/ deforestation and its possible causes. Both
primQ/y and secondalJI data sllch as household surveys sources through questionnaire, key
ir!formants interview, Focus Group Discussions and literatures were used. The data were
analyzed by descriptive way using percentage and ji-equency rank wei~ht.
The major causes 0/ deforestation in the study area were /ollnd to be rapid population
growth, social exc/usion, dependency on agriculture, resel/lement and inappropriate
investment prograll/, (/llIong others the consequences 0/ de/orestalion relate to local climate
change, soil erosion, shortage o//uel wood, etc. It is suggested that creating comlllunity
awareness to reduce fertility, strengthening the relation beMeen Menjas and the majority
Ke/a people, prOViding substitute lor wood and providing opportunities lor the people to
involve on other off-farming activities could be possible alternatives to overcome problems