Epidemiolgy and Strain Characterization of Ovine Pasteurellosis Inselected Sites of Amhara and Somali Regions, Ethiopia.
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Epidemilogical survey and strain characterizations of ovine pasteurellosis were carried out in
selected sites of Amhara and Somali regions in Ethiopia. The aims were to identify. estimate and
characterize pasteurella species. In adition, a questionnaire survey was administered in 2 regional
states in April and June 2001 to assess the possible predisposing factors orovine pasteurellosis. A
significant (P<O.05) difference was observed among the respondents who indicated irregular
vaccinations of this disease.
A total of 37 lungs. 27 nasal swabs and 1O tonsils were sampled from clinically healthy and sick
sheep at different sites. Bacteriological isolation using the standard protocols established at the
NVI at Oebrezeit was performed. Funher, confirmation of isolates was made at Freie Universitaet
Berlm. Institut fUr. i\likroblologie und Tierseuchen using P.muirocicia and .H./zaemoiyrica
specific peR assays. AUl(lcmoiYlIca isolates were fun her characterized and seroty-ped at Bgvv
lena, Gennany. The proponions of M.i1aemoiYlica and P.mlllrocicia specific PCR isolates from
lung and nasal swab of clinically health~ and sick sheep from Debreberhan \\ere ~5% (95~0 C.I
6.11. 9./7) and -l.12% (95% C.I respectively. The prevalence in Jijiga was 30.76°'0
f95°0 C1. 61 A3. 9.09) for JUwemohllca and 15.38°'0 (95% c.I. -l5...l-l.1.92) for P nlllilOcuia.
The P.l1milOcu!a specific PCR capsular type .-\ was Isolated from lung tissues of sheep
slaughtered at lijiga abattoir and Debreberhan back yard slab with a prevalence of 8.1 °'0 (95°'0
c.1. 21.9. 1.-). Capsular type 0 was isolated from nasal swabs of sheep from lijiga abanoir with a
propomon of 5 . ..1% (95% c.1. I .19.0.6).
Stram characterizmion showed a prevalence of Serotype A I of 55.55°0 (95% c.J. 6.30, 21.:!O).
and A6 of •.l..lA..+°-o (95%, C.1 - Only 2::: strains of T15 were characterized. These
::;trams were not tested against A::! . ..1,.8 .. -\9. A13. Al.1. AI6 and .-\1- sera. The serotyping showed
that .-\ 1 and .-\6 were the prumlnent Simms. Among n= 15 .\l.haemol.\llCcl Isolates 5ubnwtcd for
.;c:""otypmg. :!6.66°-o (950:'0C.1. 55.lO. -."78) were umypable. The pre\'alcnce of P.l1!lIllocida
capsubr A and 0 Isolated from lung tissues and swabs con finned the less in \'ohmcnt of
P.muirocuia in the process of the disease.
These findings suggested that M.haemolytica A 1 and A6 were the prominent strains and therefore
could be recommended as candidates' for the preparation of a poly•valent vaccine against ovine
pasteurellosis. This would probably promote the efficacy of the currently produced ovine
pasteurellosis vaccine in Ethiopia. In the conclusion, funher investigation is recommended to
establish whether other strains, for example A2. AS, A9, Al3, AI-l-, and AI? exist in Ethiopia.
Elucidation of these will nevertheless advance the epidemiology of this disease and its cost•
effectiveness in its management.
characterize pasteurella species