Us-Horn of Africa Relations: Implications to Ethiopia’s National Interest (Post 2018)
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Addis Ababa University
The Horn of Africa is one of the strategic places in the world as its geographical location
attracts various actors for the purpose of their own national interests. The US is among those
actors to protect its national and allies’_ interests. This study has attempted to analyse the USHorn of African Countries relation and its implications to Ethiopia’s national interest from 2018
to present. The study has employed qualitative approach because of the nature of the study along
with primary and secondary sources of data. Depending on the qualitative investigations of
texts, semi-structured and open ended interviews, the study has identified and analyzed
implications of the US-Horn of African Countries relations to Ethiopia’s national interests.
From the opportunity perspective, the study revealed that the US has played role directly or
indirectly to Ethiopia’s economic interest through protecting trade routes and maritime in the
region.The study also affirmed that the relation has played role to Ethiopia’s peace, military
and political security through preventing interstate war, counter-terrorism operations ,military
training and intelligence. On the other side ,the study disclosed that the relations have negative
implications to Ethiopia’s economic interest. Even though Ethiopia and the US had signed
agreement (from 2019 to 2024) that US has to provide about 2 billion US Dollar to Ethiopia for
economic purposes,the deal has not properly accomplished due to US’s complaint about the war
between TPLF and Ethiopian federal government. In addition, the relation has resulted in the
AGOA termination (on January 01, 2022) that brought a number of economic problems for
Ethiopia and have negatively impacted in relation with GERD which is high national economic
interest and pride for Ethiopia. Furthermore, the study confirmed that the relations has negative
implications to Ethiopia’s peace, political and military security_(undermining the national
integrity and sovereignty) and the researcher realized that even if the US-Horn of African
countries (Ethiopia, Somalia and Djibouti) relations have both negative and positive
implications to Ethiopia’s national interest,the negative implications outweigh the positive
implications(from 2018 to present). Finally,based on the findings, the paper suggests that
Ethiopia needs to work more on its internal assignments; needs to have the flexible, responsive
and proactive policy options to the Horn region and super powers which are increasingly
present in the region;in order to resume AGOA and to release the halted aids, Ethiopia may
have to re-engage more with the US and properly implement the peace process started with
TPLF; Ethiopia has to apply skilful and principle based diplomatic relations with super powers,
and need to apply African solution to African Problems through IGAD and AU like conflict
resolution being held between TPLF and Ethiopian federal government.
Horn of Africa geographical location, National interests, the US-Horn of African Countries relation