Correlated of Age at First Marriage Among Women in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
The age at first marriage has long been considered an issue oFprimary interest in the disciplines
of marriage and the family as well women's studies. The issue has been taken on even greater
importance recently due 10 the impact of a trend towards rising at first marriage on fer tilily
levels, with further potentiallilr-reaching demographic, economic, and social ramifications, and
also affected by these factors.
This study is primarily aimed 01 delermining imporlanl socio-economic and demographic faclors
influencing age at first marriage among women of reproductive age residing in Addis Ababa.
LiFe time event history data ('()/lecled Fom a total of 598 women of reproductive age group
(i.e15-49 years), who were li1'ing in Addis Ababa continuously starting fi'om age 12 or birth
were analyzed using descriplive, survival plot and Cox regression models. Descriptive and
survival plot were used to show/he di/!erenlial in age at/irstmarriage among different subgroup
of covariate whilst , Cox regression was used as a multivariate analysis tool to measure the net
eflect a/each covariate to e/fectil>eiy utilize the samples who were not married so filr at the time
of survey.
Results of bivariate analysis show that there is an increasing trend in mean age at first marriage
(from 27to 29 years), and proportion o(never married ((rom 53 to 60 percent) between 1995 and
2009. The result of Cox regression on the other hand, revealed that educational leve/,
educational enrollment, work s/atlls as well as mother 's education are the 1I10st impol'lanl/actors
playing sign ificant roles in determining o( age at first marriage amonglemale residents of Addis
Age at First Marriage Among Women