The Role Of Digitization Of Aircraft Ground Handling On Supply Chain Integration Of Ethiopian Cargo & Logistics Service

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Addis Ababa University


Supply chain Integration has emerged as a major field of interest over the years that involve the strategic alignment of functions and processes within an organization as well as outside the organization. The concept of digitization comes across to be a perfect enabler for the required supply chain performance which is highly dependent on the integration level that exist within business partners in terms of cash, resource and information. Digitization, as far more than automation, reflects on end to end functional and process alignment with the support of the current ICT capability like internet of things , mobile processing and big data analysis . This study focus on examining the role of digitization of aircraft ground handling on supply chain integration of Ethiopian Cargo Logistics Service. Aircraft ground handling value chain involves different airport players and complex process with time constraint which needs information sharing and data driven dynamic decision making platform. The supply chain integration expressed in three sub grouped elements customer integration(integral, supplier and customer integration) , firm to firm collaboration and planning & control(information & measurement integration ).The study have three objectives as follow ; assessing the digitization practice, identifying the digitization challenge of Ethiopian Cargo & Logistics Service and examining digitization role on the supply chain integration of Ethiopian Cargo & Logistics Service’s aircraft ground handling . The research uses an explanatory design to understand the problem lying underneath the digitization implementation limitation within the company. Due to the nature of the study needs a group of experts involving in the aircraft ground handling directly involved or affected in the digitization process were selected for data collection. Questionaries’ were developed from similar literature to measure the above stated objectives and they have under gone with validly test from expert and reliability test using Cornbrash’s alpha value . The result has discussed a highly positive role of digitization in the company’s supply chain integration especially the customer integration sub group element while no significant influence on the firm to firm collaboration and measurement integration . It’s also indicated that external factors especially technological factors have more influence on the digitization role of aircraft ground handling. Digitization in the company’s aircraft ground handling must focus on the end to end output of each major process in the value chain ensuring information sharing and flow for data driven decisions.



Digitization, Supply chain integration, Aircraft ground handling value chain, information sharing
