Utilization of Coal in Metal Industries (Case of Akaki Metal Products Factory)

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Addis Ababauniversity


The ever increasing prices, poor energy source mix and limited supplies of energy resource is becoming a bottle neck for sustainable development strategies of the country and to achieve the millennium development goals. To alleviate this development obstacle, the country has to find another alternative locally available resource that can substitute the imported energy source (petroleum products). One of the potential resources the country owns is coal, greater than 300 million tons of proved lignite coal reserves in its different geological parts: Yayu, Moye and Delbi as the top three major reserve areas with 229, 40-50 and 20 million tons respectively and there are more than 23 occurrence localities identified yet. This research raises and discuses the question of how coal resource in the country can be used in metal industries to substitute imported heavy fuel oils based on the current technology & demands to secure (facilitate) sustainable development of the country. This thesis therefore, is dedicated to demonstrate how coal can be used in metal industries and to propose a better system for both economic and environmental performances advantages. The energy demand and consumption of the selected factories (1) Ethiopian Iron and Steel Factory, (2) Akaki Metal Products Factory and (3) Zuqalla Steel Rolling Mill Enterprise is meet from heavy fuel oil and electric power. Except, Akaki Spare Parts and Hand Tools Share Company which uses electric power as a major source of energy, heavy fuel oil accounts the major share. For the Case Factory, the existing energy conversion system (oil fire furnace) is more flexible to use for the combustion of coal. By modifying to fluidize bed combustion, it is possible to utilize coal with better efficiency and easy control of emissions (sulfur and nitrogen oxides). Therefore, the indigenous coal can play significant role to reduce the hard currency expenditure for the imported petroleum products and improve the energy source mix of the country, more over, coal in this application area will help the country to maintain the economic development strategies and make Ethiopia self-reliant in the energy supply



Case of Akaki Metal Products Factory
