A Critical Appraisal of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM)
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The overall objective of the study is making a critical appraisal of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM). The APRM was established in 2003 to monitor the adoption and implementation of policies and practices that would lead to political stability, high economic growth and accelerate regional cooperation and integration through sharing experience, dialogue and peers pressures. The study will need to address contributing factors for the establishment of APRM and its role in promoting African indigenous socio-economic and political realities. It has examined the level of harmonization of tasks with AU and other partner institutions. It has also examined the benefits, instruments, challenges and opportunities of APRM. The study adopted qualitative methodology mainly depending on secondary data collected through document analysis. An attempt was made to collect empirical data through key informant interview. Therefore, while the study mainly used a critical appraisal approach, descriptive and explanatory parts are also used to provide essential background information to make analysis very clear. The research adopted the deductive method of reasoning in analyzing the data. Ethical considerations and triangulations were employed to make objective analysis in order to draw valid conclusions.
The conclusion that emerges from such analysis is that African resentment against the western-based assessments, manipulation for accreditation, voluntary nature, absence of binding decision and increasing financial flow to the continents are the main motives for the establishment of APRM. It is a separate and independent institution under AU. The role of civil societies in the post review process, implementation of NPoA and progress report is worthless. They were selected on the basis of their inclination towards the government through intentionally neglecting strong and vibrant civil societies. Besides, the documents were failed to put clear procedure to recruit members of NGC. It enhances partnership and cooperation, increase financial flow, adopts an African based-experience and South-South cooperation. It also identifies issues ignored in the national development plan and cross-cutting issues. The attempt of APRM to embrace the African indigenous traditional values and norms, which are the base for the social capital, is insignificant. It depends on the good will of reviewed country to glorify the indigenous traditional values and norms. It has either empowered or transformed the traditional values and norms to enhance the competitiveness of Africa globally. The absence of strong reinforcement and enforcement mechanism make the APRM toothless to voice on mal-practices of respective country and failed to take decision and recommendation on very sensitive issues. Its instruments are weak and very soft to implement the recommendations. It has poor follow up mechanism. Lack of adequate human and financial resources, lack of political commitment, limited awareness and the complex nature of the review are the main challenges of the APRM. Its reputation only restricted in a few top officials of the executive branch of government. The existence of strong stakeholder in the process, growing number of membership and the positive interest of DCs is opportunistic ground to implementation of APRM. Therefore, the study will put critical recommendations on the membership, enforcement instruments, overlapping responsibility and national institutions and process on the APRM
African Peer Review Mechanism