Impact of Marketing Orientation on Firm Performance: The Mediation Analysis of Customer Value in the Garment Industry, in case of Nifas-Silk Lafto sub city, Addis Ababa.

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An essential component of organizational culture, marketing orientation places a strong emphasis on providing customers with higher value through ongoing cross-functional learning and coordination efforts. More specifically, market orientation has evolved as critical concept in business strategy, focusing on understanding and meeting customer needs better that competitors. However there has been enough research endeavor on the area. This study exhibits the role of Market Orientation on firm Performance, focusing on garment industry in Addis Ababa. The primary goal of the study is to comprehend how customer value functions as a mediating factor in the relationship between marketing orientation and Organizational performance. The study employs a descriptive and explanatory research design, utilizing both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The target population comprises garment manufacturing firms in the district, with data collected through standardized questionnaires and interview. That analysis revealed a significant positive relationship between Market Orientation and Organizational Performance. Specifically, inter-functional coordination and long-term development emerged as strong predictors of performance. However, customer orientation and competitor orientation showed weak impacts. The mediation analysis indicated that customer value partially mediates the relationship between market orientation and performance, suggesting that while market orientation directly influence performance, as its effect is enhanced through customer value. Implications, limitations, and future research directions are suggested.


