Teachers' Current Practices of Time Management in Central Zone Preparatory Schools of Tigrai
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Addis Ababa University
The main objective of the study was to assess teachers' current practices of time
management in central zone preparatory schools of 1Ygrai. To achieve this purpose the
study employed a descriptive survey method. Teachers, vice principals and principals
were sources of data in this study. The data gathering instrument were questionnaire,
interview and document analysis. The quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive
statistics while the in/onnation obtained through document review and interviews were
qualitatively described to supplement the quantitative -data. The results of the study
revealed that the concept of time and its management is not satisfactory. With respect to
the teachers' awareness, no training is made on time to the teachers and school.
Furthemwre, the finding revealed that teachers encountered a number of time wasters.
The top ones were lack objectives, problems of setting priority in planning, in decision and
procrastination lack of self disciplined, confused responsibility, technology (computer,
telephone mobile) unexpected things (uis itors, meeting) and delegation problems. And the
incapability oj identiJying the time savers that can alleviate the problems of time bandits
is identified a another major problem of the study. So, it is concluded that teachers have
problems of time concept and its management and couldn't identify time wasters to come
up with relevant strategies of time management. Finally, recommendations are made
based on the results of the study. The points of recommendation include: the
misconception of time and the culture of time utilization and management of teachers in
the preparatory schools of 1Ygrai should get great attention by the woreda education
offices in collaboration with education bureau. Like on the other basic resources, a
training about the concept of time and its management should be given to teachers.
Despite the Jact that the educational policy of the country gave little room in the result -
oriented measurement of teachers , perjonnance, curriculum of civics and ethical education
and BPR, it is expected to detail and give big room beyond the existing situation. As the
findings oj this study revealed the top time wasters that face to the teachers and it is
recommended that the major effective strategies of time management may be awareness
of time, set priorities using planning tools, get organized, scheduled your time
appropriately, delegate, stop procrastination, manage extended time wasters, avoid multi
tasking and stay healthy