An Assessment on the Implementation of the Alternative Basic Education Program run by the Relief Society of Tigray (REST) in some Selected Weredas of Tigray.
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose 0/ the study was to assess the implementation 0/ the Alternative Basic
Education (A BE) program run by the Relie/ Society 4 Tigray ( REST) in sOlne selected
Weredas ofT/gray. The method emp loyed to conduct th e study was descriptive method.
The sources of data Ii)!' the .\'tlldy were officials 0/ REST Wereda Education Office
( WEO) officials. officials of Regional Education Bureau (REB), parents and Centre
Mano ge mel1l Co mmittee (CMC) memb ers. The data requiredfor the study were collected
Ihmu).; h questionnaires, int ervie ll' i!,uided (juestions. docum en t analysis and through
observations in three weredas where a loud (~/" 78 persons where involved.
The findings of the study had revealed that the ABE program 0/ REST had increased
enrolment /'{fte of students in the selecled weredas through active participation of the
community in the program. Howe ve r, despite its notable achievements. some weaknesses
were also identified These include ins ufficient training and inadequate monthly salary of
facilitators in the A BE centers and scarcity a/instructional materials and schoolfacilities
in th ese cent ers.
In order {() solve th e critical prohlems identified through the study, certain
recommendations were forwarded, that were considered to be helpjiĀ·t/fi)r all stakeholders
involved in Ih e program. These include provision ()f adequate training programs and
safar), increment schemes 10 jilci/ilfl/ors. IJJ'efloro/ion (? f' s<'f1(fJ'a/(' .\y!lohlls {///(//('Y//Jooks
to A BE cente rs. /i(mish A IJI,' ceuters witli .I'II/Iiciel/t /ilci lities lillrl ('1///(/1/('(' lli(' I('(/('liil/~ - . . . . .
leaming pmcess. th e wiele use o/theflexible approach o/the ABE pro!!,l'am , and so on.
Alternative Basic Education Program