Characterization of infectious bursal disease lesion and molecular detection of the virus from outbreak cases in poultry farms in selected towns in Central Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
In Ethiopia, chicken production is challenged by infectious diseases among which infectious bursal disease frequently occurs as outbreaks and causes significant number of deaths. It causes mortality to chickens aged between 3 to 6 weeks old. This cross sectional study was conducted in Bishoftu, Gelan, Mojo and Dukem poultry farms that had infectious bursal disease outbreak between December 2022 and April 2023. Purposive sampling method was employed in which samples were collected from 100 chickens showing clinical signs and indicative gross pathological lesions during postmortem. Based on questionnaire, 74% of the respondents said they regularly vaccinate their chickens for infectious bursal disease properly whereas 26% didn’t have proper follow up and gave vaccines repeatedly. Based on occurrence of diseases, 52% of respondents said, they had gumboro like disease in their poultry farm previously. And 74% of owners burn or buried dead birds but 26% used to throw the dead chickens out. Vascular disorder mainly hemorrhage and organ swelling were the most frequent gross lesions observed in many organs. The depletion of the lymphoid follicles and formation of cystic structure both in the cortical and medullary regions of bursa with accumulation of necrotic debris in the cystic structures was frequently examined microscopic lesion in bursa. Hyperplasias of the bursal inter-follicular epithelial and formation false glandular structure were also observed. In spleen, lymphocytic depletion in both white pulp and red pulp and hemorrhages in the trabecular sinuses were the common microscopic lesions. Severe hemorrhages in the interstitial space and necrosis of renal tubular epithelium were the repeatedly observed lesion of kidneys. The common microscopic lesions of the proventriculus were hemorrhage into the inter-glandular connective tissue, necrosis and slough off of the proventricular epithelium. Liver showed multifocal hepatocellular necrosis. Based on lesions and molecular detection result, it could be concluded that infectious bursal disease is still the real challenge to poultry producers by causing mortality and reduced growth in young and
reduced production in adult chickens. Scheduled vaccination and strict biosecurity should be practiced to reduce the occurrence of the infectious bursal disease in poultry farms.
Central Ethiopia, farms, Infectious bursal disease, lesion, outbreak, poultry