Good Governance and Participatory Democracy: The Challenges and Opportunities a Casesstudy of Addis Ababa City Administration (AACA)

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Thi s study assessed key governance chall enges in Addis Ababa city govelnment, and present recent empirical evidences. the paper begins defining and elaborating key governance components, such as participation, rule of law, transparency, responsiveness consensus buildin g, effe cti veness and efficiency, accountability, fairness and inclusiveness and strategic vision. the study developed a random sample based on a multistage, stratified, area cluster approach, which gave every eligible adult in each enumeration area to have an equal chance of being selected. In the 10 sub-ci ti es, in total 350 of respondents were caltied out 3 18 of whi ch were responded- an overall response rate of 90.86%. design of the questionnaires used in the study has contained certain standard questions. ident ically worded items are used for purposes of comparison and locating public opinions in city govern anc e system. the main govemance issues discussed in this study include citizen participation and governance partnership, civil society engagement 111 governance process and development programs, working arrangements between city government and the private sector, culture of accountability, communication practices and access to infomlation, extent 0 0 transparency in financial arrangements, decision making approaches, inclusiveness and fairness in dealing with citizens, attractiveness of laws and programs to assist community, management efficiency and effectiveness in adopting and resourcing a customer-centered strategy for budgeting and finall y, democratic consolidation and its working culture in city administration. the study then provides evidences which suggest a sobering picture: on average, there appears to be weak progress in ten11S of good governance and participatory democracy in city government jurisdiction in recent times Recommendations in the study are suggested including ensuring effective participation, promoting ' effective partnerships and participatory planning approach, strengthening accountability culture and a corruption free govel11 ance system, addressing political polarization in governance system, and nurturing and choosing foresighted leaders



Challenges, Democracy
