A Study of Altitudinal Plant Zonation on the Western Slopes of Mount Chilalo, Arsi
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Addis Ababa University
differenc·os especi ally between the stands with and without Rrica a rborea,
Were seen in most of the vRriables dmsi de r ad . Based on the findings
the vegetation on the Vlestern Slopes was divided into four cate.I'ories
wi th mor e problems in categories 2 and 4 which Were affected by burning
and de ffo re station re spa cti ve ly. Be fore the p r oblems e xte nd to Ca tegorie s
1 and ), it i s suggested that ways and means should be sought to decrease
defforestation (in category 4) and substituk ' it by reaffor estation
p r ogramme; 9.nd mini mize animal rearing (in category 2) which mi ght oecr ease
the fire hazards in the area dominated by Erica a rborea .