Human Resource Planning Practices and Challenges in Ethio Telecom

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Addis Ababa University


This study was to examine the human resource planning practices and challenges at Ethio Telecom and suggest possible solutions to curb the problems in human resource planning processes of the organization. The descriptive research design was applied for data collection and stratified sampling technique used which helps represent key sub-group of the population and also different data gathering instruments were used to collect relevant information from the respondents; semi-structured interview was prepared and conducted with division heads of the company to collect whether the human resource planning is aligned with the overall strategic business plan and to assess the existing human resource planning practices of the company. Moreover, there were also questionnaire that were filled by sample section and department heads to find out whether there is human resource planning processes, policies, procedures and practices; to assess whether the human resource planning practices and procedures are applied properly or not; and to find out linkages human resource planning with strategic business plan and the challenges of the provision of a framework to guide the implementation of human resource needs in the company. The results of the study reveal that most of the management staff did not have in- depth knowledge on human resource planning; the main determinant factors such as skill inventory, job analysis and HRIS weren’t applied satisfactorily and the linkage of HRP with SBP were given less attention. Thus, it is not well practiced by the managements of Ethio Telecom. The study concludes the organization managements unable to being proactive in forecasting human resources needs and also unable to link HRP with strategic business plan would affect the effort to achieve the company’s objectives. Based on the findings, therefore, a recommendation for Ethio Telecom management towards an effective human resource planning is provided. Thus, it is recommended that Ethio Telecom should give meticulous attention to create integrative and interactive linkage between the human resource planning process and that of the strategic business planning process so that they both rely heavily upon each other and organizational effectiveness can substantially be improved.



Human Resource Planning
