A Preliminary Survey of Salmonellae in Cattle Slaughtered at Tile Addis Ababa and Dire Dai'ia Abattoirs

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Addis Ababa University


In an attempt to assess the incidence of Salmonellae in apparently healthy cattle slaughtered at the Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa abattoirs, a total of 1571 organ samples were collected, out of which 971 were obtained from the former and 600 from the latter. The 971 samples from Addis Ababa abattoirs included 315 spleen, 303 mesenteric lymph node and 353 small intestine samples and these yielded 16 (5.1%), 10 (3.3%) and 8 (2.3:') strains of Salmonellae, respectively. The remaining 600 samples collected from cattle slaughtered at the Dire Dawa abattoir were 200 spleen, 200 mesenteric lymph node and 200 small intestine samples and from these 14 (7/1,),3(1.5%) and 8 (4%) strains of Salmonellae \~ere isolated, respec tively. From this finding the incidence of Salmonellae in the cattle slaughtered at the Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa abattoirs was found to be 5.1% and 7% respectively. No significant difference was observed ( p~ 0.05). Serogrouping of the 59 Salmonella isolates recovered from the 1571 samples showed that, \~i th 24 (40.7%) strains, group D was the most frequent serogroup, to be followed by C1 with 13 (22%) strains, B with 11 (18.6%), C 2 with 6 (10.2')1,) and E with 5 (8.5%). A comparision of the relative frequency of the serogroups in the samples from the two abattoirs also revealed that the most frequent sero['.roup Vias D. The relative incidence of the rest of the serogroups was, however, found to be variable. Of the two culture media used viz., Desoxycholate Citrate Agar and Brilliant Green l>1acConkey Agar, the former was found to be slightly superior in supporting the growth of more strains, both in number ffild type, of Salmonellae encountered in this work



