Tunable Negative Refractive index in a Metamaterial Composed of Magnetized Plasma and Ferromagnetic Grains

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Addis Ababa University


Electromagnetic waves (EMWs) propagating in magnetized plasma with ferromag- netic grains (MPFG) in a direction perpendicular to the applied constant magnetic eld are investigated theoretically and numerically. The MPFG system consists of conventional magnetized electron-ion plasma and ferromagnetic grains that are em- bedded uniformly in the plasma. The magnetized plasma forms the electric subsys- tem while the ferrite grains forms the magnetic subsystem. Being an anisotropic medium, the permittivity, , and permeability, , of the MPFG are second-rank tensors. For certain frequency domain, in the vicinity of the electron cyclotron fre- quency, both and can be simultaneously negative and the corresponding refractive index n = p becomes negative, i.e., the MPFG system behaves as left-handed medium (LHM). Moreover, by tuning the material parameters of the electric and magnetic subsystems, the di erent regions, namely, the left-handed medium, right- handed medium, and nontransparent frequency domains can be varied. The analysis and results obtained show that the MPFG medium possesses `tunable' negative in- dex of refraction near the electron cyclotron frequency enabling it to be a left-handed metmaterial. With the current technological advance in the eld of plasma system, the MPFG medium may be fabricated in a laboratory, and hence makes the medium a potential candidate for practical applications that employs LHM



Plasma and Ferromagnetic Grains

