Families Living With a Child Diagnosed With Autism: Challenges and Coping Mechanisms

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Families are facing a number of challenges in raising a child with developmental disability. Though there are different types of developmental disabilities, autism is one of the most important developmental disabilities to be studied. The functional family system is experiencing a challenging situation due caring a child with autism which further affects family members and the community at large. The main objective of this study is to understand the challenges in relation to psychological, social, economic, marital and sibling aspects and coping mechanism of families living with a child diagnosed with autism. A qualitative approach particularly a case study was used in this study. The tool for collecting primary data was in depth interview to gather detail information about family challenges. Six families whose children are enrolled at Joy Center for Children with Autism and Related Developmental Disorder were involved in the study. Finding of the study was analyzed using finding of case study with thematic areas. The finding from the study confirmed that study participant families living with a child diagnosed with autism are facing psychological, social, and economic challenges. Stress, anxiety, social isolation, discrimination, limitation in labor market participation and financial burdens are the main challenges. Families have employed various coping mechanisms to minimize the magnitude of these challenges. In addition, the result of the finding has implication to social work practice. Provision of psychosocial support and awareness creation has to be addressed with different stakeholders in health and social sector. In addition, research works in the area of disabilities particularly autism has to be encouraged



Challenges; Coping Mechanisms; Families; Psychosocial support

