The Impact of the WTO Agreement on Agriculture on Food Security of Acceeding Countries: The Case of Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Ethiopia, as are most LDes, had a spasmodic food securily problem with in the general
spectrum of other socio economic challenges. The counlry is among the most severely food
insecure countries of the world characlerized by high reliance onfood imporls and international
food aid. It is such a high reliance on inlernalional food imports thai triggered Ihis sludy of
influence of the WTO Agreement on Agricullure on food security situation of the country. To that
end, the study used the relevant polices and laws of Ethiopia and the pertinent WTO agreements
as a primary source. The copious literatures on Ihe area of the WTO Agreement on Agriculture
and ils bearing on Food Security have been used as secondary sources. The most important
findings of the study include: aJ Ihe subsidies commilmenlS to be undertaken under the WTO
Agreement on Agriculture provide a sufficient policy space to continue the existing suppor!
programmes which are part of the food security strategy of the country. Thus, the Subsidies.
domestic or export, provisions of the WTO AoA does not hinder a sound food security policy; b)
opening of borders by lowering tariffs, which seems likely, may represenl a threat to domestic
food production unless higher bound rates are negotiated.
Wto Agreement on Agriculture, on Food Security of Acceeding Countries