Assessing The Effect Of Project Monitoring And Controlling Practice On Project Success: In The Case Of Ethiopian Airlines Digital Project Management Office

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Addis Ababa University


This study aims to assess the Effect of Project Monitoring and Controlling Practice on Project Success in the case of Ethiopian Airlines Digital PMO. To achieve the objective of the study Explanatory and Descriptive research design were used. As a result the researcher mainly deployed quantitative type of research design. Data for the assessment are obtained through five point Likert scale based questionnaire from 43 selected respondents. Collected data was analyzed by using descriptive analysis, correlation and regression analysis using SPSS version 20.0. The results of the collected data shows that there is good project monitoring and controlling practice in the organization, however relatively there is weak project change control process in the PMO. Results also revealed that Pearson correlation between project documentation processes was a moderate with project success, and Pearson correlation between project progress report process and project change control process was a strong with project success. Regression results shows that there was 60.7% of the change in project success was attributed to the combine effect of the independent variables in the model (project progress report, change control and documentation). The overall project Monitoring and Controlling process groups have strong impact on project success, which means that high project monitoring and controlling had likely to generate higher level of project success. To be more successful in projects, the study recommend that organization must focus on project monitoring and controlling practice especially on the project progress follow up and project change control area as they have significant impact on the project success.



Project Monitoring and Controlling Process, Project Success
