Designing Readiness Assessment Guideline towards Adopting loT: The Case of Ethio telecom

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Addis Ababa University


Internet of Thing (loT) is a comprehensive and open network of intelligent objects which have the capacity to share in formation, data and resources, auto -organize, act and react when any situation or change in the environment is faced. Organizations believe that loT can improve their performance and transform how they made business . However, as with any innovation and adoption and since organizations place a huge amount of in vestment, readiness of a company to adopt loT should be strictly assessed before its widespread adoption. This study assesses the challenges in vo lved in loT adoption and proposes the guideline to be fo llowed for adopting loT. A design science research methodology is employed to in vest igate the readiness of Ethio te lecom to adopt foT, to des ign the gu ideline and to conduct evaluatio n to prove potential appl icabil ity of the proposed guideline. The outcome of this study requires a de ign and des ign science is suitable for thi s. A guideline is a model artifact or a statement that shows a course of action to follow in doing something. In our context, it is a statement that shows the procedures to be follower re loT implementation. Furthermore, a quantitative approach was used to assess the readiness of Telecommute as well as to evaluate the applicability of the guideline. The study used the TOE and 0 0 1 framework to design the guideline. This research used survey questionnaire to collect data for the assessment. The data was analyzed using quantitative data analysis too l, SPSS. The main finding of the study identifies a gap that serves as a requirement to the proposed artifact. After the gap was identified the strategic guideline is designed by incorporating components from the above mentioned framework and carefully choosing the components that are inline with the identified artifact requirement. The artifact designed is a strategic guideline that could be used by the company for the successful adoption of loT. The researcher also gets the artifact evaluated by different experts that works in different position in Telecommute. The result of the evaluation indicated that the guideline fulfilled the requirements of goal, environment, structure, activity and evolution. The organization can use the strategic guideline developed in this study to determine the direction, strategy, and resource allocation in their decision to migrate from the traditional to loT based environment. This study doesn't include assessing the post fact um effect of the strategic guideline after it is being appl ied to the real situation. Therefore, further studies that attempt to expand our understand ing of the postpartum effect of the proposed strategic guideline in supporting the loT adoption need to be conducted by extending or refining the proposed strategic guideline. Keywords: loT; Ethiote lecom; Readiness Assessment Guideline; loT adoption



loT, Ethiote lecom, Readiness Assessment Guideline, loT adoption
